Recent content by Nomad

  1. Nomad

    New Web Hosting Companies Vs Already Established Web Hosts

    Well, I like to be with popular choice but I am also thinking to give a try to a new host that is based on my city.
  2. Nomad

    Do you look for coupons before you choose a new web host?

    When I am renewing hosting or domain, or even registering a new domain, I always search for discount coupons.
  3. Nomad

    How much do you spend on web hosting?

    Have you sold your reseller hosting accounts? How much do you charge per month?
  4. Nomad

    How many times have you changed your web host?

    I have not changed my host even once. I have been with namecheap for 10 years
  5. Nomad

    What are the mental benefits of playing sports?

    Physical movements, for instance exercise or sports, are said to release hormone than makes you feel happy and pleasant.
  6. Nomad

    What are the advantages of yoga for athletes?

    Yoga is light impact exercise for body and brain. It can also help with emotional well being. Yoga helps you to balance stress and anxiety.
  7. Nomad

    How does playing sports boost discipline?

    If you play solo sports like tennis or ping pong, or golf, I do not it will help much but when you play team sports like football, you have to play in coordination and it will help you to remain disciplined.
  8. Nomad

    What are the best low-impact sports for joint health?

    I think walking is the best exercise if you have issues in your joint. When you walk your mental and physical health will improve. If you have a companion, it does not even feel like exercising.
  9. Nomad

    How many sports do you know how to play?

    I have played football (soccer), cricket, ping pong, and badminton. I would really like to try tennis
  10. Nomad

    Favorite Teams

    My favorite team is of course my own home team. I always look forward for our national football and cricket teams to excel in international tournaments
  11. Nomad

    What are the best outdoor recreational activities for fitness?

    I think there is nothing that is better than walking. When you do brisk walking, your mental health and physical health, both will improve. The best thing is it does not even feel like exercise
  12. Nomad

    What's your favorite sport?

    I enjoy watching football (soccer) and cricket. When I was in high school I also used to play soccer and cricket with friends.
  13. Nomad

    What's the best way to make money online?

    I think the best way to make money online is to start a SaaS business. If you cannot start this business, just try selling any digital products
  14. Nomad

    Managing Poker Website Content: Tips and Best Practices

    Don't write what you want to write, write what audience want to read and before you sit to write do a lot of research
  15. Nomad

    How often do you create new content?

    I write content for clients every day. I write forum posts as well as articles.
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