Search results

  1. Bawse

    How often do you seek new web hosting?

    I'm usually pretty loyal with the web host I choose unless it's no longer sufficient for my needs. I used a lot of different web hosts throughout the years. How often do you sign up with another web hosting hosting company?
  2. Bawse

    Do you offer your players RAKEBACK?

    Rakeback is popular among online poker players, but you usually wont earn as much from your referred players, if you provide your sign ups with rakeback. Do you offer rakeback to your players when you promote your affiliate links?
  3. Bawse

    What's the most you spent on hosting?

    Whether it's a server or web hosting. What's the most you ever paid for hosting? I don't think I've paid more than $25 a month for web hosting.
  4. Bawse

    What are good tutorials for learning how to code a poker software?

    What sites/videos can help guide you to learn how to code a poker software/game? Have any of these tutorials helped you code a poker game or software?
  5. Bawse

    Do you have a group or page on Facebook for your poker sites?

    What Facebook pages did you create for your poker sites? Do you manage any poker groups on Facebook? I manage one Facebook poker group here: I also have a Facebook page for my poker forum here:
  6. Bawse

    Is it harder to get search engine traffic for poker sites?

    I agree it's a very competitive market, and hard to make your way up the ladder, especially in Google rankings/search results without major funding. It takes time to establish your site in the poker industry. You need a lot of dedication, and persistence to succeed in the poker niche, or any...
  7. Bawse

    How long have you been with your current web hosting provider?

    Have you used the same host for a long time? How long? I've been using for almost a year.
  8. Bawse

    Besides poker sites, what other sites do you own?

    I don't own any websites not related to poker. How about you?
  9. Bawse

    What's the most recent poker site you joined as an affiliate?

    The most recent site I joined as an affiliate was PhenomPoker. I'm waiting for tournaments to get more involved with helping promote their poker brand. I also plan on becoming an affiliate with, and the owner is also one of our first members @claudefolds! What's the last online...
  10. Bawse

    Does anyone remember PokerAffiliateListings?

    The site still loads at but you can't do anything, as you can you start clicking links you get a bunch of error codes. It was a pretty active poker affiliate forum years ago. Anyone know what happened or why the owners never fixed the site?
  11. Bawse

    Do you use a caching system on your server?

    There's a built-in cache system with the forum software that powers Poker Webmaster.
  12. Bawse

    What type of server do you have?

    I'm currently using a cheap/affordable shared hosting account until we require more bandwidth, I've been with for almost a year.
  13. Bawse

    Do you host all your sites with the same web host?

    I host my sites currently on the same hosting account. Does anyone else you the same web host for all their websites or do you use different hosts?
  14. Bawse

    Has your poker site experienced slow days with player traffic?

    Is it common for poker sites to have slow days? I understand start ups wont have a lot of traffic, but do established poker sites experience slow days? Has your poker website had any slow days?
  15. Bawse

    What's The Best Practices for Managing Poker Website Traffic?

    I go with the flow, and try to stay on top of support when needed. It's good to have core features automated such as deposits, withdrawals in a poker software to help manage traffic on a poker site, especially larger poker rooms. When there is a bigger demand, you'll need a bigger team for...
  16. Bawse

    How long have you been creating content/writing?

    I've been writing online, and building sites since I was around 14 years old. Creating sites is what got me interested in writing content, and I started to learn more about SEO. How long have you been writing content?
  17. Bawse

    Any free software to design graphics?

    Do you use any free software to design graphics for your poker sites?
  18. Bawse

    What Are The Strategies for Effective Poker Website Marketing?

    You can be effective marketing a poker site on social media. Being persistent is key, and putting in a daily effort to get more followers is also vital. I had success growing my poker forums using free methods, and paying for games/private tournaments on StockPoker.
  19. Bawse

    What social media sites are the best to get exposure to your poker sites?

    Personally, I like Facebook as my main site for promoting, and finding new poker players. I user others too, and I have received new followers, and members on my other poker forum from my promotion efforts. It's key to interact with your followers, and reach out to them. What social media...
  20. Bawse

    Have you ever failed trying to code a poker site?

    How many times have you attempted to code a poker site? Did you ever succeed? What was the most challenging part about coding a poker software?
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